7 ways to stay productive while working from home

7 (Simple & Easy) Ways to Stay Productive While Working from Home ...
Show of smiles who think every night that they are going to be very productive tomorrow but end up procrastinating or laying in the couch during work hours? Don’t worry you are not alone. There are many who are accompanying you on this.
It is hard to concentrate when you have your work calling from one and your bed from the other. But maybe we can help.
Here are a few ways which will help you to stay productive.

1.    That’s my Spot:
Remember Sheldon’s Spot from The Big Bang Theory? That’s the first thing you need to do. Find your acoustic work spot where you can work comfortably for 8 hours with little or no distraction. Try to find a place where you are bound to use artificial lighting as they help you to concentrate.

2.    Prepare for tomorrow:
Create a To-Do list a night before and assign approximate number of hours required to complete that particular task. This will help you plan out your day well and also keep you on your toes to work hard.

3.    Opt for career oriented iim executive courses
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This is the best time to plan for your future. You can think of which is the best suitable field for you. You can opt for Nulearn’s executive program from iim for a bright future. Nulearn offers best certifications from iim such as data analytics, hr analytics, and financial data analytics courses, financial risk management, strategic management, supply chain management and more.
4.    Set boundaries with other people:
 You might me living with your parents or your roommate. It is very important to make them understand when is the time you will be working so that they don’t distract you in any way. Having set boundaries is very important to keep distractions at bay.

5.    Take a Kit-Kat break:
Take 5-10 minutes break after every hour. These can be as simple as walking to your drawing room or going to washroom. Taking small breaks will help you to rejuvenate and focus again. But try not to enter in the bedroom. Walk in your lobby or in the balcony.

6.    Match your music to the task in hand:
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While the washing machine is taking 35 minutes to wash your clothes, complete some part of your job in this restricted time. This will help you give a sense of achievement if you finish your work by that time. Multitasking is fun if you find ways to enjoy it.
7.    Suit Up:
There is a very famous study which says that a person feels lazy till the time he or she is in pyjamas. Though you have to work from home, take a shower before starting work and wear proper clothes. This shall help you to give office like environment and will help you focus.

8.    Be grateful you are working at home and not in a cubicle: Sometimes you feel frustrated working from home. That’s possibly because of lack of social contact with colleagues or multitasking daily chores with work. It makes you wonder whether working from office is the only good way to work. This is the time when you should try to motivate yourself. Try to remember the time you got struck in traffic, had to eat canteen food and was always up and running.

Now you can enjoy the morning tea and even do yoga. Try to embrace the little things. This will help you enjoy your time during work from home.

Keywords: executive program from iim, data analytics, hr analytics, financial data analytics courses

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